Posted by: thegrantexperience | May 6, 2009

a false hope

a false hope

Would you tell your kid who’s mom just died that she might come back? I know I wouldn’t give him a false hope like that. So why do most people believe in “God”?

firstly, all the stories in the Torah, Bible, or what ever your prayer book is called are all impossible. Moses parting a sea? Throw me a bone, that is a load of bullshit. If a group of slaves were running from soldiers, and they ran into a huge sea it wouldn’t just part. Or if you are not Jewish then how about the story of Easter? Apparently Jesus was resurrected three days after his death by “God”. How come my old dead dog didn’t get resurrected by “God”?

Now there is always the question of how earth was created. Most people believe that “God” just poofed it here. I am a person who only believes in facts not some made up figure. Since there is no facts on how the earth was created, I just feel that we as humans can not begin to comprehend how earth was created so I won’t try to.

Here is a question to ask yourself. “Has “God” done any thing for me?”.
The answer is no. No matter how much any one prays for something, it won’t do any thing. Life is a big game of chance, and every thing depends on your choices. Let’s say I am offered to smoke a cigarette, I have two choices one to smoke it, or two to say no and walk away. If I say yes and smoke it, then I will become addicted and die from lung cancer eventually. Now, if I say no, then I will die from something else; that is what I call indefinite fate.

These are just a few of my thoughts on “God”. You can tell me what you want but my opinion will not change. Indefinite fate is the most logical theory to me.

“For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.”

Carl Sagan

Posted by: thegrantexperience | May 5, 2009

What has Music come to?


Yuck! That is all i can say about the music industry. What has happened to all of the good music and bands? The billboards now consist of egotistic rappers who’s perception of good music is a computer rhyming.

Lets look at Green Day for example, they were once a wonderful band but now they just suck. Their album Dookie had great original tracks, but made no money. So they decide to make their music sound like the main stream tracks out at the time, and guess what? They made money but the music was horrible. You are probably thinking ” You are saying they made shit music and made money!?” well, yeah the reason they made the money was because they made music to the sound of the shitty ass music industry.

Now there is noway you can tell me a band like Queen would make it big now a days. Apparently originality is shunned upon, so Queen would be butchered on the radio only because they don’t sound main stream. That just shows how pathetic it is, because we all know Queen was amazing.

I really hope the music industry improves in 2010-2020. I never thought i would say this, but we need to go back to older styled music.
I can not take the rap, and hip hop shit on the radio any more.

“If one hears bad music it is one’s duty to drown it by one’s conversation”

Oscar Wilde

Posted by: thegrantexperience | May 4, 2009

Another Rainy, and Gloomy Day

Rainy Day

Today, I awoke normally like everyday hoping for a wonderful one. I preformed my normal routine; taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and so on so forth. I felt as if i was rushing through life because of some numbers on a clock. My whole day is based on time, and clocks. School starts 8:00, then each class is 45 minutes and in between each class i have 3 minutes to rush to my locker and rush to class; all because of clocks!

It is a undeniable truth that we as people could not function with out a time based schedule. Almost everything runs one some schedule, for example we all have that television show that is on every Monday at 8:00 that we schedule our day so we can see it. Can you begin to imagine a day without the existence of time? You will not know if it is the correct time to sleep, or the correct time to wake up. Would this be a bad thing, or would we benefit from it?

The way i figure it is if we don’t know to go to our sports practice at 5:00 because there is nothing to tell us time, then we can not rush out on grandma. I mean we all know that she is only going to be here for a number of years, and the more time we can spend with her the better. Also people are always complaining on how they don’t get enough sleep, well with out clocks and time that won’t be a problem any more. The way i see it is that time is in our head, so if we listen to our bodies and not our clocks then we will get the sleep they were so dieing for.

Now, i am not saying to stop using clock all i am saying is try to live more freely. You are born dieing, so every second on this earth should be enjoyed to the fullest. The less you depend on time the more time you will have to spend with old granny, or play that basketball game with your kid that you have been promising him.

I know from personal experience that life is to short to rush, and waste. My cousin was 18 when he was taken from this earth. It was just horrible, and totally unfair. We all wished we could have spent less time rushing life, and more time spending with him. Ever since then i have really been trying to enjoy every second of life. I hope you will, because life is way to precious to waste.

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t
own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep
it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it
you can never get it back.”

Harvey MacKay
